Category Archives: Sad


Makar Sankranti 2014 #Wallpaper

Uttarayan 2014

Makar Sankranti 2014 #Wallpaper

The Secret of Deity Worship

The power that any object possesses is not influenced by one’s feelings. In other words, if someone unknowingly drank milk mixed with poison, that object (the poison  like cyanide) would produce a poisonous effect. That person would die, because the outcome of drinking poison is death. If someone knowingly drank poison in order to commit suicide, he would also die. It doesn’t matter if a person knowingly or unknowingly drinks poison(any type like cyanide), he will die.

If someone who doesn’t know how to swim and intentionally jumps in a river to kill himself or if he accidentally slips and falls in, the outcome is the same. In our country thousands die accidentally like this every year. This means that the object produces an outcome, which has no concern with your intention or feelings towards that object.

Shri Krishna
Similarly, there is a stone deity. That stone was brought from somewhere, sculpted into a form, and then given a name like Ram, Krishna or Hanuman. It is just stone – it doesn’t see, hear, taste, smell, feel, think or know. It is lifeless. As a result, we should receive a similar consequence from that object through its worship. What is that outcome?

A person drank poison mixed in milk and, even though he thought it to be milk, he was still poisoned. In the very same way, whatever feeling you may invest in the stone deity, you should receive the consequence of it just being stone.

Bhagwan Shri Krishn came on this earth as a divine descension. He was supreme God. Those who knew and believed him to be supreme God and loved him, received a divine consequence. This is only logical. Yet there were also those who never knew nor believed Him to be supreme God, and who just considered Him to be an ordinary boy and loved Him as such. Some accepted and loved him as their father, as their son and as their husband. But they also received a divine consequence and entered Golok abode. Even those who were hostile towards Shri Krishna, who were negatively attached to Him, received this attainment.

A man has a paras, a mythological stone that converts iron into gold. Whether a person touches that lovingly to some object or he angrily slams it against some object, the object will be converted to gold. The effect will come from the paras, provided the paras and the object come into contact with each other. Similarly, electricity is flowing through a wire. Whether a person accidentally touches it or touches it on purpose to die, he will be electrocuted.

In the Bhagwatam (10/29/12), Parikshit asked his Guru, Shukdev Paramhansa, “The Gopis believed that Shri Krishna was just a boy. They never thought He was God. In fact, they used to verbally taunt Him. Still, mentally they felt attached to Him and loved Him. Everyone in the world loves like this. So how were they liberated from Maya?” Shukdev strongly admonished Parikshit (Bhagwatam, 10/29/13), “Didn’t I explain to you earlier that Shishupal attained the divine abode? This, too, after he insulted Shri Krishna one hundred times in the royal assembly.” You attain the effect of the object your mind is attached to. But your mind has to come into contact with that through emotional attachment, no matter what that emotion may be – this is the condition. (Bhagwatam, 10/29/15) “So, Parikshit, listen carefully and now don’t have any more doubts about God or Saint in the future.”

So many impurities flow into the holy Ganga (Ganges River). They don’t make the Ganga impure, rather it is the Ganga that purifies the impurities. Anything can be placed in fire, but it doesn’t make the fire impure. Whatever is placed there eventually is converted into fire. The rays of the sun fall everywhere equally, no matter if they fall upon the pure or impure. This doesn’t make the sun impure. God is omnipresent. He dwells in even the dirtiest impure places. But God doesn’t become impure because of this. He makes the impure divinely pure.

In this way, whether Shri Krishna is remembered through feelings of lust, anger, greed, jealously or even hostility, regardless of how one’s mind is attached to Him, the consequence of this attachment is attaining Shri Krishna and going to Golok.

So now you understand one point – that you should be mentally attached to Shri Krishna, regardless of whether you believe He is supreme God, a human being, or an enemy.

By loving a lifeless material object and believing it to be God, the same divine benefit can be achieved as could be achieved by loving Shri Krishna directly. Even if you love an object made of lifeless material elements, if you worship it believing it to be God, you will attain God. Imagine there is a stone deity. You love this with the feeling that it is God. God does reside in the deity because He is omnipresent. He is also all-knowing. Therefore He will give us a consequence based on our feelings for Him. But if we were to worship a statue of a human being such as our mother, father, and so on, we won’t attain anything. That human being does not permeate the statue. He is not all-knowing. What could he know about the worship we are performing to him through that statue? But if God were worshiped through that statue, because He is omnipresent and omniscient, we would receive a divine benefit from that worship.

It is on this basis that deity worship has been propagated in India.

What after Death ? Afterlife ?

What after Death ? Afterlife ?
or many other question like after a death ? life after death ? such questions comes in our mind

Jo bhi aye jaye vah Govinda Radhey,
Mayadheen mayateet sab hi bata dey.

(Synopsis of a talk given by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on December 31, 2010, in Bhakti Dham, Mangarh, India, explaining this new kirtan verse)

There are two kinds of people in the world – the souls under the bondage of Maya (mayadheen) and the Saints beyond Maya (mayateet). Saints are very few; mayic souls are more than 99.9% of the total. Whether Saint or soul, whoever comes into this world, one day must go.

A Saint leaves according to his own will. A Maya-bound soul is a prisoner and is taken away. You don’t remember from your previous birth how much pain you experienced when you left your body at the time of death. A person thinks, “Oh! My father! My son! My daughter! My house! I have to leave all this? And I’m going alone? What is happening to me?!” This pain can’t be explained.

Depiction of Yamaraj

So one must leave this world and this applies to everyone. Even the time that supreme God descends on this earth is fixed. When that time arrives, Yamaraj respectfully approaches God and says, “My Lord, Your time has come. I am only reminding You. If You wish to remain longer, please do so. I am only doing my job.”

Yamaraj also appears before a Saint at this time and says, “If it is your wish, please stay longer. I am just reminding you that the time fixed for your leaving has come.”

Saints do not violate God’s laws. We see Jagadguru Shankaracharya left this world at the age of 32. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu left at the age of 48. Some leave at the age of 50, some at the age of 80. There is no fixed age for a Saint to leave. Rather a Saint’s prarabdh or destiny due to his past actions also determines the time of his leaving.

The “Angel of Death” in Christianity

So just as souls are bound to undergo their destiny, Saints also undergo a destiny. The difference is that if the Saint’s son dies or all his wealth or property is stolen, he remains ever-blissful, “My Lord, this is only your desire. Please do as you wish!” We mourn these losses with great pain, “Oh! My son left this world!” Yes, but everyone knows that whoever comes in this world must leave this world. Don’t you also know this?

You may not have studied the Vedas and scriptures, but just have a look at the world around you. You see a child dying before his father. You see these things daily – why don’t you accept it? This is the state of our intellect. We see these things but we don’t accept them. We think, “I’m not going to die. I’m only 50 years old!” But now you have become 80 years old. “So what! I’m not going to die now.”

If you pretend you are going to wring the neck of a person who is so elderly he can no longer sit up or a person who is terminally ill, they will shout, “Hey! What are you doing? I don’t want to die!” If you say, “But I want to put you out of your misery.” They will say, “So what! Let me suffer.”

So those who come into this world must leave. Saints leave according to their own will and souls who leave must return to this world. As long as a soul hasn’t been liberated from Maya, he must return to this material jail. What kind of form one receives is a separate point. The one who has practiced devotion and wholeheartedly rendered service to God and Saint will obtain a human form. The one who has merely satisfied his senses and wholeheartedly absorbed himself in the world will go into a lower birth.

So whoever comes into this world must leave – regardless if it is a soul, a Saint, or even supreme God when He descends. Lord Krishna remained on this earth for 125 years. Lord Ram remained on this earth for 11,000 years. Lord Narsingh remained for only ten minutes – but however long anyone remains on this earth, he will have to go eventually. You should keep remembering this philosophy and be prepared. Don’t look to your age and think you are still young. Remain alert all the time.

A person is driving in the city. On the road there are also many other vehicles. He remains extremely alert – what is behind him, what is ahead of him, what is happening to his left, what is on his right. He also has to remember the way and his destination. He keeps all this in mind because if he makes the smallest mistake he will have an accident.

Remain ever-vigilant because you could go at any moment. And what we receive after death is determined what we are emotionally attached to at the time of our death. If you have your father in mind at the time of your death, you must go to that father afterward. If that father is reborn as a dog, that will also be your destiny.

Yanti devavrata devan pitrin yanti pitivratah.
Bhutani yanti bhutejya yanti madyajinopimam. (Gita, 9/25)

In your next birth you will return to the one with whom you were attached in this birth. In this regard, there are a total of four consequences. If you are attached to a tamsi person, you will receive a tamsi consequence (narak or hell). If you are attached to a rajsi person, you will receive a rajsi consquence and remain on this earth. If you were attached to a sattvik person or celestial god, then you will receive a sattvik consequence and enter the celestial abode or swarga for a limited time. If you love God or His Saint, you will attain Golok, God’s divine abode. Decide what your final goal is and love accordingly.

We can’t delay the moment of our death for even ten minutes. You may not even have left your house when this happens – so many people have heart attacks while sleeping. The engineer who designed this hall was from Agra. He was at home in bed with his wife by his side. When his wife woke up the next morning, she saw her husband had died in the night.

When we have to go, we must, and no one knows when that time will be.

Therefore, every moment remain vigilant.

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How can we satisfy the soul?

Jesus Christ said, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” The more wealth one possesses, the further he goes away from God, and true happiness. It would be fine if his wealth would make him a happy man. But, this does not happen. It cannot happen. Material wealth and objects are for the body, but what about the soul? How can we satisfy the soul? The soul’s nourishment is devotion to God, the true wealth.

It is worth noting that even the topmost materialist has not found happiness in the material world. The truth is that wealth can purchase temporary joys, but not everlasting happiness. Money can buy medicine, but not health. It can purchase security in the form of an alarm system and guard dogs, but not fearlessness.

While the topmost materialist is still trying to catch the elusive butterfly called happiness, even the beginner on the spiritual path starts seeing wonderful changes within. He feels a sense of peace and contentment, and the more involved he gets with practicing a spiritual discipline, the more joyful and radiant he becomes. His happiness is a result of his newly found treasures: faith in God, love for God, knowledge of God and shelter of a Guru.

Kabir Das ji says: kabirā sab jag nirdhanādhanvantānahiṁkoya dhanvantāsoijāniyejāhipremdhanhoya

The good news is that following the spiritual path does not demand that you renounce home and family. It simply means taking some steps and precautions:

First of all, spend some quiet time with God every day, even if is it just one hour out of twenty four. During this time, do not pray for better health, more wealth, better job, success in your business, to get a better grade, a more understanding spouse, or more obedient children. Pray that you may accept everything in life as a sign of God’s Grace. Moreover, your prayer should not be motivated by fear of hell or greed for heaven, but by pure selfless love for the Divine Beloved.

Secondly, make it a routine to visit a place of worship on a Sunday, and take your children also. Drag them if you have to. When you go there, do not socialize and do not leave your children unattended to run around and play. Teach them at a young age. This is the biggest favour you will be doing to them. Do not be concerned whether or not your best friend or neighbours are there. One who wants to reach the destination does not look for company on the way. Do not look at what so-and-so is wearing or how so-and-so is behaving. Pray sincerely when you visit a place of worship. Your worship should come from the heart.

Thirdly, always have good association. Seek the company of those who will help and inspire you on the spiritual path. Tulsidasji had instructed Meera to renounce the company of even loved ones if they obstruct the path leading to God.

Fourthly, do not read garbage. Do not watch garbage on television. After all, you would not put garbage in your mouth. Why would you put it in your mind?

Next, donate at the very least 10% of your earnings. Every religion instructs its followers to give 10% of their earnings to God. The reason is so that you should not become overly attached to the material world.And lastly, be committed on your path. Do not allow others to contaminate you.

The choice is yours to make. You can either take the material path downward to destruction or the spiritual path upward to perfection. May you choose wisely.

For more of such kind of Spiritual lectures, Please do visit

Maharajji’s Facebook Timeline Pics

Many Satsangi’s use facebook now a days, either they dont use facebook timeline option or if they use facebook timeline option they post wordly pics.

We are trying our level best to provide with readymade facebook timeline pics , so that you can download any of them and can apply on your timeline pic. This will help you to remember maharajji and others will also know about maharajji and there messages.
Please spread these page of Maharajji’s facebook time as we will update this page every week

Please share your comments ,
which photo did you like ?
which New pic you would like to see in next Facebook Timeline ?

which Maharajji ‘s message should be included in next Facebook timeline ?

Suggestion can be posted directly here on this blog
or can be mailed on


Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj


Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj


Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj



Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj


5th Origional Jagarguru

5th Origional Jagarguru

5th Origional Jagarguru

5th Origional Jagarguru



5th Origional Jagarguru

5th Origional Jagarguru

Who We Are ?

  • There is only one God, who is known by various names as God, Brahm, Ishwar, Bhagwan, Khuda, Allah, Ahurmazd and so on. God is a divine entity and Almighty, Omniscient, Omnipresent, All pervading and unfathomable Ocean of Bliss.
  • All the living beings are the inseparable and eternal part of God. Hence, constant desire of attaining happiness is an inherent nature of all living beings.
  • Material world is meant for the material senses only. It is not YOUR happiness. The Bible says “You are not the body, you are the soul.” So “You” or “I” means soul and we realize this fact only at the time of some ones death. This is when we accept that the person has gone yet the body is still here.
  • The only way to attain true happiness is to love God wholeheartedly exactly in the manner as we love our husband, wife, parents or children.
  • God is formless. Yet He descends in many human forms with all his divine powers to deliver the material beings. It is impossible to love God without any form. Therefore all the believers of formless God also have some form as a symbol of God. For instance, the Christians have the sign of cross, Muslims have the sign of half moon, Indians have the sign of a spot of light.
  • The All Merciful God has given us freedom to love Him as a master, friend, son, beloved or husband.
















God is watching us from a distance

From a distance the world looks blue and green,
and the snow-capped mountains white.
From a distance the ocean meets the stream,
and the eagle takes to flight.

From a distance, there is harmony,
and it echoes through the land.
It’s the voice of hope, it’s the voice of peace,
it’s the voice of every man.

From a distance we all have enough,
and no one is in need.
And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease,
no hungry mouths to feed.

From a distance we are instruments
marching in a common band.
Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace.
They’re the songs of every man.
God is watching us. God is watching us.
God is watching us from a distance.

From a distance you look like my friend,
even though we are at war.
From a distance I just cannot comprehend
what all this fighting is for.

From a distance there is harmony,
and it echoes through the land.
And it’s the hope of hopes, it’s the love of loves,
it’s the heart of every man.

It’s the hope of hopes, it’s the love of loves.
This is the song of every man.
And God is watching us, God is watching us,
God is watching us from a distance.
Oh, God is watching us, God is watching.
God is watching us from a distance.

A Nice explaination by Siddheshwari didi in her website saying God and Guru live in our heart all the
time. God lives in our heart; there is no
doubt about this. And if we surrender
ourselves to a Saint, He too lives in our
heart to keep an eye on us. This knowledge
should be drilled in the mind through daily practice. There are two benefits to be
reaped from this practice. First of all, it will
increase our love for God and Guru. Secondly,
it will save us from committing
offences. Every time we think a sinful
thought, we will be concerned, “Oh! My
Guru or God is watching me. I should be careful;
otherwise He will not grace me.”

If you want to read more about and straight from respected siddheshwari didi , a preacher of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj. visit website

Conversations with God

“Conversations with God” tells the true story of Neale Donald Walsch that inspired and changed the lives of millions worldwide. The journey begins after he unexpectedly breaks his neck in a car accident and loses his job. Soon after, we witness his transformation from your everyday guy to a homeless bum struggling just to stay alive.

But according to shri Kripalu ji Maharajji We are living in materialistically advanced
times. Technology is moving forward at a dizzying
pace. Many of you must remember what life was
like in the B.C. era. Before Computer era, when a
mouse was just a rodent; windows were something
no one liked cleaning; a virus was the flu; a
hard drive was a long trip on the road; a CD was a
bank account; a mouse pad was where a mouse
lived; cut-and-paste was something you did with
scissors and glue; a keyboard was a piano and a
program was just a TV show.
This is also a time of paradoxes. Cell
phones are being used more and more to send
text messages and to have conversations, but
sad to say, communication within the family is
breaking down. People are living in big homes,
but they have no space to accommodate their
own elderly parents. There are many time-saving
gadgets being used, but there seems to be no
time to discover the true meaning of life.
Children have more toys and entertaining games
than their parents and grandparents, yet they
complain of boredom. The world has become
very small due to affordable and efficient air
travel. People are travelling thousands of miles
away from home and making friends in other
countries, yet they have no idea who their
neighbour is. So many are living and dying in
isolation. If a man living alone breathes his last
in his apartment his neighbours will not even notice
him missing until the stench of the decaying
body becomes noticeable. Though living a life of
privilege, there is rampant use of drugs and
alcohol, both of which are used to escape reality.
Something is terribly wrong. It seems we have
paid a high cost for material advancement. The
price is spiritual progress.
To go forward we need to take a look back at
how our ancestors lived, for they can teach us
valuable lessons about life and living. What they
understood in the past is that to live a life of harmony
you must strike a balance between body
and soul. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
says hm do, hmar e do “We are two, therefore we
need two.” We are a combination of body and
soul, and therefore, we need both the world and
God. We must take care of both body and soul.
You have eyes, but you can’t see with them
unless there’s light. When darkness descends
and you are in a room without light you stumble
over the furniture. Why are you stumbling? Are
you blind? No, I am not blind, but there is no
light in the room. You put a blind man in a well-lit
room, and he also stumbles. There is light in the
room, but the man is blind. In order to see you
need both eyesight and light. In the very same
way, in order to live a life of harmony we need to
take care of both body and spirit

Why Do We Commit Sin?

Sin is a universal human problem. It’s something we all do. But have you ever stopped to ask why? Why can’t we make a studied decision not to sin and then never again disobey God?

Though as i have mentioned earlier i dont believe in any explaination given by many of the saints and authors in india giving their thoughts. but unfortunatly when i was surfing net i got to find the teaching of an Indian saint according to which the birth / death or sin or virtue has been explained in detailed.

According to a saint Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj, the only 5th origional jagadguru our aim in life, three things are absolutely essential: human birth, guru and desire for divine love. Number one is human birth. Our ultimate aim is to attain bliss, i.e. God, and this aim cannot be realized in any other form of life. Only a human can attain his ultimate aim by employing the appropriate means and methods. But we have failed to realize our aim despite being blessed with the human body countless times. In fact, we did further damage to ourselves when we were born human. How did we incur further damage? Only humans attain the fruits of their actions. All other forms of life are ‘bhog yoni’, i.e. other creatures only taste the fruits of previous actions. In the human birth there is ‘karm’ as well as ‘bhog’, i.e. while we taste the fruits of previous actions, we also enjoy the right to perform further actions.

A human possesses greater knowledge than other creatures, and if this knowledge is not utilized properly, the individual will travel in the wrong direction with great speed. There are many sins – stealing, telling lies and hurting the feelings of another – and a human can commit these sins very effectively. Animals cannot. I ask you; can a dog commit theft? If a dog snatches something from you, he will do it in plain sight. A human, on the other hand, can steal money that is locked up safely in a bank locker. His knowledge is far greater. And to commit a sin one needs knowledge. Just as knowledge is necessary in the performance of good deeds, it is necessary to have knowledge if one wishes to commit immoral deeds. The more knowledge you have, the more capable you will be to commit sins. We have committed innumerable sins while being blessed with the human birth. This is how we spoiled our condition further.

I cannot explain much in deep …for more one can surf the website

Kripalu ji Maharaj Divine Discourse Schedule

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj Divine TV Discourse

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj Divine TV Discourse

Daily broadcast of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj’s Divine lectures on Indian TV channels, Shree Maharajji’s Divine lectures are available every day in the USA on 3 channels:

1. News 24 (News Channel):
6:20 AM to 6:55 AM IST

2. Sadhna Channel
7:10 AM to 7:40 AM IST

3. Zee
6:00 PM to 6:25 PM IST

4. Aastha TV
6:20 PM to 6:45 PM IST

1. Aastha International:
6:30pm in all time zones
(available on DISH Network channel 648)

5. TV Asia:
9:00 am EST (M-F)
10:00 am EST (Sat-Sun)
(available on Dish Network channel 788)

6. Bhakti Darshan
Coming Soon ……

1. Sahara Samay:
6:30 AM to 7:00 AM IST (Available on DISH TV(ZEE) )
8:00pm EST
7:00pm CST
6:00pm MST
5:00pm PST
(available on DISH Network channel 798)

2. Sanskar TV:
5:30 AM to 5:55 AM IST